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Let's Talk Men's Skirts

by Catriona Whitehead I am someone who frequently voices her frustration with unsavory fashion trends. High waisted booty shorts with the bottom of one's butt-cheeks showing--be gone! Chunky platform sandals--not my favorite. But men's skirts--that I can actually get behind. Let's start from the beginning. Egyptian Pharaohs wore the shendyt. The Greeks--chitons and fustanellas. During Medieval times, men wore tunics and tights. Irishmen and Scottsmen (my favorite) wear kilts to this day. Same with Oceanic peoples and the lavalava. The lungi in India, the kitenge in Sub-Saharan African, the yukata in Japan, the sarong in Southeast Asia....A significant number of countries and cultures still utilize "skirts" as everyday male garb. Britain, North America, and many European cultures only started turning away from the idea in the 1800s. With the advent of tailoring, the more complex construction of bifurcated garments became possible. Soon breeching became com

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